samedi 13 février 2010

خواطر رائعة للاطفال

لا تحرماني الحب .. لا تحرماني الحنان .. أحتاج إليهما أكثر من الطعام .

حين أبكي .. اكون محتاجا ً لضمة صدر فقط .

أبي .. حين يرتفع صوتك .. يرتجف قلبي .

ما رأيكما بنزهة صغيرة ؟

كم أفخر بكما أمام أصدقائي .

أرتشف أخلاقي منكما .. تذكرا ذلك دائما .

مشاجراتكما تستقر في أعماقي .. أغلقا الباب لو سمحتم !

وجودكما أنتما الإثنان .. هو معنى وجودي .

ماذا تريدان مني ؟ أخبراني بذلك قبل نومي .

لماذا علي ّ أن أقوم بكل واجباتي حتى أحصل على حبكما ؟!!

لا تصرخا أمامي .. فصرخاتكما تسقط في صدري .. و تنحبس هناك .

أحبكما معا ً .. فلا تتركاني .

لا تقارناني بأي طفل آخر .. أنا عالم لوحدي .

ما رأيكما أن تكفا عن توبيخي .. لليوم فقط !

علماني حب الله (عز وجل) ومحمد (عليه الصلاةوالسلام)منذ صغري..!

أحتاج بعض الوقت .. دعوني أتنفس فيه لوحدي .

يَطرب قلبي حين أراكما سعيدان .

لا تكذبا أمامي .. فسوف ألتقط ذلك سريعا ً .

خططا لحياتي منذ الآن .. أرجوكم لا تهدروا عمري .

علماني شيئا ً جميلا ً , في كل يوم .

أنا متوتر الآن .. وفر جهدك و نصائحك لوقت آخر .

طلباتي بسيطة : جرعة حنان , إحساس بالحب و الأمان .

إذا لم تثقا بي .. فأنا لن أثق بنفسي .

عوّدا لساني على الصلاة على الحبيب محمد(صلى الله عليه وسلم(.

لا أحتاج شفقتكما في مد يد العون .. عوّداني على تحمل المسؤولية .

وماذا لو فشلت ؟ اطلبا مني تكرار المحاولة وشجعاني بحماس .

اصنعا مني قائدا عظيما يغير مجرى التاريخ .

أنا أستطيع .. أنا أقدر .. ضعا ثقتكما بي و حسب .

شجعاني على أخذ زمام المبادرة و تحمل المسؤولية .

) أبديا إعجابكما..اشكراني ) هذا هو كل ما أحتاجه حين أنجح في مهمتي .

عرّضاني لمخاطر مأمونة .. و راقباني .. علي ّ أختبر كل شئ بنفسي .

أستطيع الابتكار في ألعابي .. ليس علي ّ أن العب وفق قواعدكم !

أعطياني الفرصة لتعلم المهارات و اكتساب الخبرات الذاتية ..

الأعباء الكبيرة تقودني إلى الفشل ثم الإحباط .. كلفاني بمهمات أنجح بها .

ترقص جوارحي حين ألعب معكما .

ماذا لو صنعتم مني محررا للأقصى ؟

ماذا لو هيئتم الأجواء حولي لأصبح فقيه هذا العصر - أو مخترعاًعالمياً ؟

احرصا على أوقاتي ... لا تجعلوني أبددها في اللعب و المرح فقط .

اغرسا بداخلي عشق القراءة .. وأعطياني مكافآت محفزة .

لا تلحا علي كثيرا .. ربما أحتاج دقائق الصمت هذه أكثر من الكلام .


راقِبْ أفكارَكَ لأنها ستُصبِحُ أفعَالاً

راقِبْ أفعالَكَ لأنها ستُصبِحُ عادات

راقِبْ عاداتَكَ لأنها ستُصبِحُ طِباعاً

راقِبْ طِباعَكَ لأنها ستُحدِّدُ مصِيرَك

لسعادتك دائما

- خصص من وقتك 10 إلى 30 دقيقه للمشــي . . و أنت مبتسم.


2- اجلس صامتاُ لــمدة 10 دقائـــق يـــومياُ


3- خصص لنومك 7 ساعات يوميًا


4- عش حياتك بــثلاث أشياء : (( الطاقة + التفائل + العاطفة ))


5- العب ألعاب مسلية يوميًا


6- اقرأ كتب أكثر من التي قرأتها سنة 2009


7- خصص وقتًا للغذاء الروحي : (( صـــلاة ,, تسبيــح , , تلاوة , , ))


8- اقض بعض الوقت مع أشخاص أعمارهم تجاوزت الـ 70 سبعين عام ,, و آخرين أعمارهم أقل من 6 أعوام


9- احلم أكثر خــلال يقظتك


10- أكــــثر من تناول الأغذية الطبيعية ,, و اقتصد من الأغذية المعلبة


11- اشرب كميات كبيرة من الماء


12- حاول أن تجعل 3 أشخاص يبتسمون يوميا


13- لا تضيع وقتك الثمين في الثرثرة


14- انس المواضيع ,, ولا تذكر شريكة حياتك بأخطاء قد مضت لأنها سوف تسيء للحظات الحالية


15- لا تجعل الأفكار السلبية تسيـــطر عليك .. و وفر طاقتك للأمور الإيجابية


16- اعلم بأن الحياة مدرســـة .. و أنت طالب فيــها .. والمشاكل عبارة عن مسائل رياضية يمكن حــلـــها


17- كل إفطارك كــالـملـك .. و غداءك كـالأميـــــر .. و عشـــاءك كـالفقيــــــر ..


18- ابتسم .. واضحك أكــــثــــر


19- الحياة قصيرة جــــدا .. فـــلا تقضـــها في كـــــره الآخرين


20- لا تأخذ (( جـمـيـع )) الأمور بجــديــة .. { كــن سـلـسـا و عـقـلانـيـا }


21- ليــس من الضروري الفوز بجميع المناقشات والمجادلات ...


22- انس الماضي بسلبياته ,, حتى لا يفسد مـــســـتــقــبــلك


23- لا تقارن حيــاتك بغـــيرك .. ولا شريكة حياتك بالأخريـــــات ..


24- الوحيـــــد المســـؤول عن سعـــادتك (( هو أنــــــت !! ))


25- سامح الجميع بدون استثناء


26- ما يعتقده الآخرون عنـــك .. لا عــــلاقة لك بـــه


27- أحــســن الــظــن بالله .


28- مهما كانت الأحوال .. (( جيــدة أو سـيـئـة )) ثق بأنها ستتغـــــير


29- عملك لن يعتني بك في وقت مرضك .. بل أصدقاؤك .. لذلك اعتـــن بــهــم


30- تخلص من جميع الأشياء التي ليس لها متعة أو منفعة أو جمـــال


31- الحســد هو مضيعة للوقت (( أنت تملك جميــــع احتياجاتك ))


32- الأفـــضــــل قادم لا محالــــة بإذن الله .


33- مهما كان شعورك .. فلا تضعف .. بل استيقظ .. و انطلق ..


34- حاول أن تعمل الشيء الــصحيح دائماٌ

35- اتصل بوالديك ... وعائلتك دائـــماُ

36- كن متفائــــلاٌ .. وســـعـــيدا ..

37- أعط كل يوم .. شيئا مميزاٌ وجيـــدًا للآخرين ..

38- احــــــفـــــظ حــــــدودك ..

39- عندمـــا تستيــــقظ في الصبــــاح .. و أنت على قــيد الحياة .. فاحمد الله على ذلك ..

vendredi 12 février 2010

History of St Valentines Day!!!!!!!

Valentine's Day - the popular festival of love and romances traces its origin to ancient Roman festival and has not been created by card companies as some people believe it to be. There are various legends associated with the festival along with the belief that birds began to mate from this day. Popularity of the Valentine's Day festival stems from the combined effects of all these legends, beliefs and of course the wish to glorify the unparalleled feeling of love.

Feast of Lupercalia
Historians trace the origin of Valentine's Day to ancient Roman Empire. It is said that in the Rome of ancient times people observed a holiday on February 14th to honor Juno - the Queen of Roman Gods and Goddesses. The Romans also regarded Juno as the Goddess of Women and Marriage. On the following day, February 15th began the fertility festival called 'Feast of Lupercalia'. The festival of Lupercalia was celebrated to honor the Gods Lupercus and Faunus - the Roman God of Agriculture besides the legendary founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus.

An interesting custom was followed in the Feast of Lupercalia to bring together young boys and girls who otherwise were strictly separated. On the eve of the festival names of young Roman girls were written on a slip of paper and placed into jars. Each young man drew out a girl's name from the jar and was paired with the girl for the duration of Lupercalia. Sometime pairing lasted for a year until next year's celebration. Quite often, the couple would fall in love with each other and later marry. The custom lasted for a long time until people felt that the custom was un-Christian and that mates should be chosen by sight, not luck.

Defiance by Saint Valentine
The pairing of young boys and girls did set the mood of the Valentine's Day Festival as we know today. But it was actually due to the efforts and daring of a priest St Valentine that the festival got its name and clearer meaning. The story goes that during the reign of Emperor Claudius II Rome was involved in several bloody and unpopular campaigns. Claudius found it tough to get soldiers and felt the reason was men did not join army because they did not wish to leave their wives and families. As a result Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome. A romantic at heart priest of Rome Saint Valentine defied Claudius's unjustified order. Along with Saint Marius, St Valentine secretly married couples. When his defiance was discovered, Valentine was brutally beaten and put to death on February 14, about 270 AD. After his death Valentine was named a Saint.

According to another version of legend Valentine was killed because he attempted to help Christians escape from the Roman prison as they were being tortured and beaten there. Yet another popular version of the legend states that while in prison Valentine or Valentinus fell in love with jailer's daughter who visited him during confinement. Before his death Valentine wrote a farewell letter to his sweetheart from the jail and signed ‘From your Valentine'. The expression became quite popular amongst love struck and is still very much in vogue.

By the Middle Ages, Valentine assumed the image of heroic and romantic figure amongst the masses in England and France. Later, when Christianity spread through Rome, the priests moved Lupercalia from February 15 to February 14. Around 498 AD, Pope Gelasius declared February 14 as St. Valentine's Day to honor the martyr Valentinus and to end the pagan celebration.

Beginning of Birds Mating Season
During the Middle Ages, people in England and France held a belief that birds started to look for their mate from February 14. This popular notion further helped to link Valentine's Day - celebrated in the middle of the February, with love and romance. Over the period of time, St Valentine became the patron saint of lovers and they began to celebrate Valentine's Day as a day of romance by exchanging love notes and simple gifts such as flower.

Popularity of St Valentines Day
Valentine's Day festival gradually grew in popularity amongst the masses due to the combined effect of all the above said reasons. To mark the day lovers began to exchange love notes called ‘Valentines' with their sweethearts. In the beginning the trend was to send handmade cards but this was changed in the beginning of 19th century and mass-produced greeting cards caught the fancy of the people. In the course of time, Valentine's day came to be regarded as the festival that celebrates love and not just romantic love. Today, Valentine's Day cards are gifted to teachers, parents, friends, siblings and sweethearts. Popularity of Valentine's Day has spread in countries across the seven continents and is still increasing by the year.

Valentines Day in Middle Ages

Valentines Day festival gained much popularity during the Middle Ages. Lovers began to celebrate the day by exchanging love notes and simple gifts such as flowers. The idea of linking Valentine's Day with love in Middle Ages was strengthened by the notion that birds began to look for mate during this time. Various legends related to the festival including that of Feast of Lupercalia and martyrdom of Saint Valentine further lead to the increase in the popularity of Valentine's Day festival.

Beginning of Birds Mating Season
During the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed in France and England that birds mating season began from February 14. This popular notion added to the idea that the middle of the February celebration of Valentine's Day be celebrated as a day of love and romance. Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries English and French poets and litterateurs through their romantic verses further promoted the concept of linking Valentine's day with romantic love. For instance, a verse by Dame Elizabeth Brews says,

And, cousin mine, upon Monday is Saint Valentine's Day and every bird chooses himself a mate, and if it like you to come on Thursday night, and make provision that you may abide till then, I trust to God that ye shall speak to my husband and I shall pray that we may bring the matter to a conclusion.

Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century, “Parlement of Foules'' writes
''For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne's day'
Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate”

These popular verses further helped to create a romantic image of Valentine's Day festival during the Middle Ages. Lovers, therefore, began to celebrate Valentine's Day by expressing love to their sweethearts with an exchange of love notes and simple gifts such as flowers.

The First Valentine's Day Card
The first known Valentine is said to have been written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. The greeting is part of the manuscript collection of the British Library in London, England.

Historians also say that Saint Valentine of Rome also sent a letter signed “From your Valentine”, to his sweetheart who was the jailers daughter a day before he was to be executed. This phrase is still popular amongst lovers.

Legends influencing Valentines Day Celebration in Middle Ages
One very popular legend of Valentine's Day states that the festival originated from the Feast of Lupercalia - a fertility festival celebrated in mid February by ancient Roman during pagan times. The festival paired young boys and girls through a lottery system who would fall in love and marry.

Another legend states that a priest called St Valentine lived in Rome during the reign of Emperor Claudius II. Valentine defied the orders of Claudius order that banned engagements and marriages in Rome and secretly married young boys and girls. Saint Valentine was executed by Claudius on February 14, 498 AD. Over the period of time St Valentine became the patron saint of lovers and they began to celebrate his martyrdom by expressing love for their beloved and exchanging love notes.

the best Valentines Day for Singles!

Romantic Valentine's Day festival is much awaited by those in love but dreaded by singles!! So much is the hype about the festival that some singles even become depressed about not having a partner several days before the festival when they see stores decorated with candies, chocolates and flowers to lure the one's in love. Some times the sense of isolation becomes so strong that many singles tend to “hate Valentine's Day” - the day that is actually meant to celebrate love.

Many single men and women go to the extent of calling Valentine's Day a ‘Singles Awareness Day'. This is because they feel that the day strongly reminds them of their unattached status and not having someone to spend the day in romantic and much popularized manner. Initials of the day ‘S-A-D' reflect their status of feeling depressed and unloved.

But dateless people must keep in mind that Valentine's Day is not just to be celebrated by romantically involved couples. The festival is celebrated to express love to anyone we are closed to. We can therefore celebrate Valentine's Day with friends, siblings, parents, grandparents, teachers or anyone who made a difference to our lives with their affection and support. We must take opportunity of the Valentine's Day festival to express our love and gratitude to all persons we love. And what better way to do so than by saying it with a gift of roses, chocolates and beautiful cards.

Singles can make the most of Valentine's Day by spending the day in the company of those they love or by indulging themselves with something luxurious. Here are some tips and ideas on how singles can celebrate the Valentine's Day in charming and memorable fashion:

Valentine's Day Ideas for Singles

Pamper yourself
Buy yourself cute Valentine's Day gifts which could be flowers, a cute teddy or a dress you have been planning to buy since long. Singles may also indulge themselves by going in for spa or head to toe beauty treatment. Indulging in books, CDs, and gourmet meals can be a good way of enjoying the day for some.

Freak out with friends
Plan out a dinner or movie with best friends. You may also throw a “singles party” or “Un-Valentine's Day Party” at your home and have a blast. You will know that life is fun in the company of loving friends.

Acts of Service
Singles can spend Valentine's Day in the meaningful way by spending time with the needy and downtrodden. You may visit an orphanage or old age home and spend time with the inmates there who are always in need of love and affection. Visiting hospitals and giving roses to sick can also be a touching way of experiencing bliss on Valentine's Day.

Express Gratitude for friends and dear ones
Instead of feeling depressed and ashamed for not having a significant other to spend the day, singles can spend Valentine's Day in a constructive manner by expressing love and affection for people around them. One can thank and greet Valentine's Day to one's parents, friends, colleagues, neighbors or anyone dear.

Think Positive
Singles can make the most of Valentine's Day by thinking positive and fighting away Valentine's Day blues. One should not spend the day sulking for not having a spouse or beloved to spend the day in a happy manner.

Focus on Relationship Plan
Singles can focus on their relationship plan on Valentine's Day and prepare themselves for healthy and lasting relationships. One can take help of dating and matrimonial sites to find a partner. Also make a list of what you can do to improve your personality. It could be developing a more healthy and positive approach towards life or working towards one's diet, health and physical appearance. Take steps you think are vital to improve your chances for relationship. Make some resolutions for yourself and stick to them.

I Love You in Different Language!!!!

Know how to say I Love You in different languages around the globe!! You may use the information to impress your sweetheart on Valentine's Day.

Afrikaans: Ek is lief vir jou
Ek het jou lief
Albanian: Te dua
Amharic: Afekrishalehou
Arabic : Ana Behibak (to a male)
Ana Behibek (to a female)
Basc : Nere Maitea
Bavarian : I mog di narrisch gern
Bengali : Ami tomake bhalobashi
Berber : Lakh tirikh
Bicol : Namumutan ta ka
Bulgarian : Obicham te
Cambodian : kh_nhaum soro_lahn nhee_ah
Bon sro lanh oon
Cantonese : Ngo oi ney
Catalan : T'estim (mallorcan)
T'estime (valencian)
T'estimo (catalonian)
T'estim molt (I love you a lot)
Chinese : Wo ie ni (Manderin)
Croatian : Volim te (most common), or
Ja te volim (less common)
Czech : miluji te
Danish : Jeg elsker dig
Dutch : Ik hou van jou
Estonian : Mina armastan sind
Esperanto : Mi amas vin
Persian (Farsi): Tora dust midaram
Flemish : Ik zie oe geerne
Finnish : Mina" rakastan sinua
French : Je t'aime
Friesian : Ik bin fereale op dy
Ik ha^ld fan dy (Most commonly used phrase)
Gaelic : Ta gra agam ort
German : Ich liebe Dich
I mog Di ganz arg! (Suebian: South German dialekt.)
Greek : S' ayapo
Gujarati: Tane Prem Karoo Choo
Hausa : Ina sonki
Hebrew : aNEE oHEIVET oTKHA (female to male)
aNEE oHEIV otAKH (male to female)
Ani ohev at (man to woman)
Ani ohevet atah (woman to man)
Hindi: Mein Tumse Pyar Karta Hoon (man to woman)
Mein Tumse Pyar Karti Hoon (woman to man)
Hokkien : Wa ai lu
Hopi : Nu' umi unangwa'ta
Hungarian : Szeretlek te'ged
Icelandic : ?g elska ßig
Indonesian : Saya cinta padamu
Saya Cinta Kamu
Aku tjinta padamu
Saja kasih saudari
Italian : Ti amo
Irish : taim i' ngra leat
Japanese : Kimi o ai shiteru
Kannada: Naanu ninnanu preethisuthene
Naanu ninnanu mohisuthene
Kazakh : Men seny jaksy kuremyn
Kiswahili : Nakupenda
Korean : Tangsinul sarang ha yo
Kurdish : Ez te hezdikhem
Latin : Te amo
Vos amo
Lao : Khoi huk chau
Latvian : Es Tev milu
Lingala : Nalingi yo
Lithuanian: Ash miliu tave
Luo : Aheri
Madrid lingo: Me molas, tronca
Malay/Indonesian: Saya cintakan awak(awak=kamu=you)
Aku sayang engkau (engkau=kamu=you)
Malay : Saya cintamu
Saya sayangmu
Malayalam: Ngan ninne snaehikkunnu
Njyaan ninne' preetikyunnu
Njyaan ninne' mohikyunnu
Marathi: Mi tuzya var prem karato
Me tujhashi prem karto (male to female)
Me tujhashi prem karte (female to male)
Maltese: Inhobbok
Mandarin : Wo ai ni
Mohawk : Konoronhkwa
Navajo : Ayor anosh'ni
Ndebele : Niyakutanda
Norwegian : Jeg elsker deg (Bokmaal)
Eg elskar deg (Nynorsk)
Pakistani : Mujhe tumse muhabbat hai
Persian : Tora dost daram
Pilipino : Mahal Kita
Iniibig Kita
Polish : Ja Cie Kocham or Kocham Cie (Pronounced Yacha kocham)
Portuguese : Eu te amo
Punjabi : Main tainu pyar karna (male to female)
Mai taunu pyar kardi aan (female to male)
Romanian : Te iu besc
Russian : Ya lyublyu tebya
Ya vas lyublyu
Scot Gaelic : Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbian : Volim te (most common), or
Ja te volim" (less common)
Shona : Ndinokuda
Sioux : Techihhila
Slovak : Lubim ta
Slovene: Ljubim te
Spanish : Te amo
Swahili : Nakupenda
Swedish : Jag a"lskar dig
Swiss-German: Ch'ha di ga"rn
Tagalog : Mahal kita
Taiwanese : Gwa ai lee
Tamil: Naan Unnai Kadhalikiren
Telugu: Ninnu premistunnanu
Neenu ninnu pra'mistu'nnanu
Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai : Phom Rak Khun
Ch'an Rak Khun
Tunisian : Ha eh bak
Turkish : Seni seviyorum!
Urdu : Mujhe tumse muhabbat hai
Vietnamese : Anh ye^u em (man to woman)
Em ye^u anh (woman to man)
Toi yeu em
Vlaams : Ik hou van jou
Welsh : 'Rwy'n dy garu di.
Yr wyf i yn dy garu di (chwi)
Yiddish : Ikh hob dikh lib
Zazi : Ezhele hezdege (sp?)
Zuni : Tom ho' ichema

My Valentine!My Love intissar!!

Valentines is near
Just wishing you were here
You will always be near
My heart will never be the same
Beneath my skin, my soul lies waiting for you
Everyday I think of you I feel blue
Never give up hope
Remembering the first kiss
All I ask is to be with you
And for you to be my Valentine
For I will always cherish your heart in mine
The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean
The winds of heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single,
All things by a law divine
In one another's being mingle­
Why not I with thine?

See the mountains kiss high heaven
And the waves clasp one another
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdain'd its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea­
What are all these kisses worth
If thou kiss not me?
After so many years of loving you,
After so many things we've been through,
Still I couldn't find the reason,
Tell me why am I in so much love with you?
The day you left me,
My eyes couldn't stop crying.
The day I lost you,
A day didn't go I had pray for dying.
Come back my love,
Someone's still waiting for you.
Come back my love,
Someone will always wait for you intissar.

jeudi 11 février 2010

happy valentine's day 2010 this is for all my close friends with all my wishes!!from intissar